Hey guys, this is your Yu-senpai and I’d like to talk about the romance in The Kings Avatar from its various versions – novel, anime, manhua, and the live-action. I often encountered the question – is there any romance in The Kings Avatar? or Does The Kings Avatar have romance? So, we shall talk about this although I had previous published a post about my favorite shippings from The Kings Avatar.

Romance in The Kings Avatar
Specifically, there’s no direct indication mention in the novel or any adaptations of The Kings Avatar about the romantic relationship between our favorite characters. Although, there’s an intimate bond between some of them that touch their friendship and rivalry, and to some readers and viewers, we find it a bit of a romantic cliche.
So, let’s discuss some intimate relationships from The Kings Avatar that we can consider as romantic yet ambiguous at some point.

This is the relationship where we usually blurred the boundary of romance with a brotherly or sisterly bond. Let’s take a look at one of our favorite friendship from The Kings Avatar and that’s between master Ye Xiu and Su Muqiu. They both shared an intimate bond as rivals and comrades, they became friends even outside of Glory, they became partners in crime, they both shared the same dreams of becoming professional Glory players and despite having some differences, they still have the same wavelengths which make them a pair like no other during their time as in-game players in Glory. Is there any romance involve? Absolutely no, but only genuine friendship and care towards one another.

Can people be acquainted with each other but don’t develop any romantic relationship? The answer is yes but it is not always as clear as black and white. In The Kings Avatar, I saw people shipping Ye Xiu and Chen Guo, they are companions or somehow partners in crime but didn’t reach the point where we can see them falling in love with one other. Albeit, it’s like a genuine friendship between an idol and his fan, an employer and her employee, a companion that shares the same goals and dreams. Another example is Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng, yeah, many of us see them in a romantic light, like a couple or lovers, especially knowing that they had been the best pair in Glory’s professional arena. However, I think it is to be noted that Su Mucheng is the younger sister of Ye Xiu’s best friend, for some shows, they can be a perfect pair, but so far I can only see Ye Xiu treating her with genuine care, like a younger sister, he acted like someone who wants to protect her but also see her growth.

Glory as a team sport requires an intimate relationship between the players. Such is the case in several teams from The Kings Avatar. I often see fans shipping the likes of Yu Wenzhou and Huang Shaotian, Zhang Xinjie and Han Wenqing, and even Ye Xiu to some of his teammates in Team Happy. However, I think this is not romantic but instead, a relationship builds in trust. The relationship looks so fragile yet genuinely powerful.

In many romance donghua that I had seen, lovers often started as rivals, and such is the case in much romance-comedy anime out there too. In The Kings Avatar, are there any rivals that we had shipped? From the anime adaptation, I did ship Ye Xiu and Han Wenqing, they both shared an intimate relationship built on their rivalry and years of standing on the same pedestal. A sense of companionship, standing on the same ground from differing sides. However, there’s no romance here but only a pure quest for challenge and the excitement that it brings.

Su Mucheng and Mo Fan? Ye Xiu and Tang Rou? Wang Jiexi and Gao Yingji? These are only a few of the characters from The Kings Avatar that shared a mentor and student relationship. For some reason, we can’t stop ourselves from shipping them, especially Su Mucheng and Mo Fan because let’s admit it, it all started awkward yet adorable. Meanwhile, Ye Xiu and Tang Rou’s relationship as master and student started roughly especially with the competitive nature of Tang Rou, it’s like watching one of those standard romcom anime out there. Nevertheless, there’s no romance involve and I think it is safe to say that the mentors just all wanted to see their apprentice grow to be the person they ought to be.
Question: Does The King’s Avatar have romance?
Alright, so let’s get back to the question, does The King’s Avatar have romance? I think it is safe to say NO but that answer comes with uncertainties. We see the character development intricately in the novel but it only narrated how they grow as a professional player and didn’t revolve that much in their personal life. However, the novel is an open story which always left to the readers to conclude what will happen next. Do our favorite ships from the story ended up together? Hopefully, yes!
Nevertheless, the live-action of The Kings Avatar had shown us a little bit of mild inclination as it gave us romantic signals at some point as it explores the character development instead of the e-sports elements of the story. Imagine Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng from the live-action ended up together, I think that’s quite possible since showing raw emotions is one of the factors that make the live-action superior to the other adaptations of The Kings Avatar.
If you wish to read more about this topic of romance in The Kings Avatar, here are some threads that you can check:
- Relationship between Ye Xiu and Mucheng? [REDDIT]
- Romance in The King’s Avatar? [NOVEL UPDATES]
In the end, if the author didn’t leave a definite status or facts about it, it always left to the readers and viewers imagination to think about it. As a fan of The Kings Avatar, I don’t see it yet but if we go beyond what the story had presented to us, we can always imagine the conclusion that we desire from it especially since it left an open ending for us.
Let me know your thoughts about the topic and share with us your thoughts if you think that romance does exist in The Kings Avatar, or do you agree with our points? drop your comment below to let us know.
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Last Updated on November 5, 2022 by Yu Alexius
Ye Xiu wouldn’t fall in love with Su Mucheng because Su Mucheng was his best friend’s sister? Naive argument. In real life, how many later find their soul mate is their best friend’s brother or sister? Lots! So just because Su Mucheng was Su Muqiu’s younger sister who was Ye Xiu’s best friend, it didn’t mean that there wasn’t a love seed between the two of them. Not yet, but sure. Logically if these two people are not interested in each other, try to mention, who is close to Su Mucheng? If Su Mucheng thought Ye Xiu was Big Brother, then she would definitely tell him who the other man she loved was. My little sister always tells me things like that. In Live Action episode 39, Su Mucheng looks so lonely because Ye Xiu isn’t there beside her. This is love, not friendship.